Avi Animations Movie: Avi: "Vascular Response" A blood vessel and its endothelial cells react to an inflammatory stimulus. 2.06 megabytes.
The events relsulting from an inflammatory stimulus include increased blood flow, increased capillary permeability, and leukocyte migration into the site. This animation depicts the first two events.
Movie: Avi: " Adhesion molecules" aid the egress of leukocytes from a vessel. 388,786 bytes.
The leukocytes travel out of the vessel through the endothelial interstices to enter the inflammatory site. Cytokines from the vicinity have induced adhesion molecules on both the white cells and the vessel cells, which facilitate this action.

Movie Avi: "TNF and TNF receptor" interact to produce an intracellular signal. 883,000 bytes.
Cells of the immune system communicate in part by the production and the response to interaction with cytokines. This animation shows a sequence in which TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) is bound by its receptor on a macrophage. An intracellular signal is produced and impacts the cell's nucleus. Ultimately, these events lead to the production and secretion of a new cytokine by the cell (Interleukin 1a in this case).
Flash Animations |
The following are all 256K Windows Media Player
Animation: Vascular Response
Animation: Adhesion Molecules
Animation: TNF and its Receptor
QuickTime Media Player
Animation: Vascular Response
Animation: Adhesion Molecules
Animation: TNF and its Receptor
Real Media Player
Animation: Vascular Response
Animation: Adhesion Molecules
Animation: TNF and its Receptor