Avi Animations Movie: Avi: "T-cell antigen presentation" Antigen is presented to a T-cell and an intracellular signal is produced. 1.7 megs.
This cartoon depicts one of the most critial interactions in the immune resonse. An antigen (peptide) is presented by the MHC to a T cell receptor. In this case, there is a good fit and the TCR begins its intracellar signaling sequence.
 Movie: Avi: "T-cell signals". The signal acts on the nucleus and new cytokines are produced and secreted. 1.75 megs.
After the signal is initiated by the TCR, it impacts the nucleus in such a way as to lead to transciption and translation and the formation of new cytokines. The duration between the stimulus and the secretion of cytokine (for IL1) is about one hour.
Movie Avi: "A lady takes a walk". 730,000 bytes.
Cartoon of a lady who slips and falls while she is walking.
Movie Avi:" The consequences". 122,000 bytes.
The neck of the femur fractures.
Movie Avi: Antigen Antibody bind. 64,000 bytes.
This is a very simple cartoon model. The interaction of antigen and antibody is actually quite complexed and specific.
Movie Avi: "Complement destroys bacteria". 2.2 megs, but its worth it!
The potential power and destructive force of complement is demonstrated on a hapless bacteria.
Flash Animations |
The following are all 256K Windows Media Player
Animation: T-cell antigen presentation
Animation: T-cell signals
Animation: A lady takes a walk
Animation: The consequences
Animation: Complement destroys bacteria QuickTime Media Player
Animation: T-cell antigen presentation
Animation: T-cell signals
Animation: A lady takes a walk
Animation: The consequences
Animation: Complement desroys bacteria Real Media Player
Animation: T-cell antigen presentation
Animation: T-cell signals
Animation: A lady takes a walk
Animation: The consequences
Animation: Complement destroys bacteria |