Home:   Rheumatology eLearning 2011

Flash E-books
"Rheumatology Overview: Images and Animation in Arthritis and Rheumatism"
The lead lecture for the ucla second year medical school pathophysiology of disease course, covering numerous topics in Rheumatology.

"New Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis "
A review of the pertinent immunology and then a description of the new treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis-under construction. Intended for M.D.'s, medical students, or other interested parties.

"Normal Joint Structure and Function and Osteoarthritis "
The original CDrom content written in 2000 for the medical students as a handout.   All of this content is also contained in the "Rheumatology Overview" E-book.

"PROSORBA© Column Treatments: possible Modes of Action"
2004 lecture presenting possible modes of action for the Staph A Protein (PROSORBA) column in the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Not narrated. I am a consultant for Fresenius.

"Apheresis and the Staph A Protein (PROSORBA©) Column: a Unique new Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis "
This is material from a 2002 DVD transferred to an E-book. Review of clinical studies and possible mode of action. I am a consultant for Fresenius.
E-Topics: Pathophysiology
Biologic Response Modifiers
Rheumatology: Misc. Topics

  "arthritis and joint pattern "
  "autoimmunity vs not autoimmunity"
    windows quicktime real
  "b cells and rheumatoid arthritis"
  "gouty arthritis "
    windows quicktime real
  "inflammatory vs noninflammatory"
    windows quicktime real
  "infectious vs not infectious"  
   windows quicktime real
  "mhc class1 protein and disease"
  "ra pathophysiology"   
  "rheumatology topics summary "
  "systemic lupus erythematosus"
   windows quicktime real
   windows2 quicktime2 real2

 "oa animated schematic"
 "oa clinical manifestations"
  windows quicktime real
 "oa defined"
  windows quicktime real
 "oa deranged cartilage"
  windows quicktime real
  windows2 quicktime2 real2
 "oa gross anatomy "
  windows quicktime real
 "oa joint pattern "
 "oa pathophysiology"
 "oa spinal "
  windows quicktime real
 "oa summary "
  windows quicktime real
 "oa typical changes "

E-Topics: Physiology and Structure
"the stated topic in " = flash media
windows = windows media player
quicktime = quickTime media player
real = real media player

Normal Joint Structure & Function
       "joint configuration "
        windows quicktime real
       "joint lubrication "
        windows quicktime real
       "joint stability "
        windows quicktime real
       "normal joint defined "
        windows quicktime real
       "normal knee anatomy"
        windows quicktime real
       "normal spine anatomy"
        windows quicktime real
       "structure & function"
        windows quicktime real
       "types of joints "
        windows quicktime real
  "adhesion molecules "
  windows quicktime real
  "adenovirus: cyto response"
  windows quicktime real
  "immunology Overview "
  "innate immunity"
  windows quicktime real
  windows2 quicktime2 real2
  "mhc class I structure "
  windows quicktime real
  windows2 quicktime2 real2
  "quiz on immunology"        
  "signal transduction "

Cartilage: Structure and Function
      "cartilage: schematic"
       windows quicktime rea
      "cartilage: hyaline "
      "cartilage: remodeling "
       windows quicktime real
       windows quicktime real
       windows quicktime real
      "Metalloproteases (MMPs)"
       windows quicktime real
About Us | Contact Us | ©2006   This web site has been developed and maintained by Craig W. Wiesenhutter, M.D.   Last updated 11/28/11