Inflammation, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and the Biologics

This site was originally created from a talk on Rheumatoid Arthritis that was given in 1998. It was a multimedia presentation. I've been adding to it ever since. (Animation 1: title movie).

  Copy of Title Inflammation.jpg (8575 bytes)   Copy of Title Rheumatoid Arthritis.jpg (7428 bytes)
Slide 1: "Clinic Space Ship" On my way to give a talk. 280 x 210 pixels 12kb The spaceship was a model included in an older 3dStudio max version.
Slide 2: "Inflammation Title" 274 x 205 pixels 9kb drawn freehand in 3dStudio Max.
Slide 3: "Rheumatoid Arthritis Title" 274 x 205 pixels 8kb drawn freehand in 3dStudio Max.
Click Picture or here for larger slides (800 x 600 ) 61kb and (1024 x 768) 88kb Click Picture or here for larger slides (800 x 600 ) 76kb and (1024 x 768) 121kb Click Picture or here for larger slides (800 x 600 ) 5kb and (1024 x 768) 116kb
Copy of Title Biologics.jpg (8223 bytes)  

Windows Media Player

Real Media Player

Flash Player

Animation 1: The Title Movie
: Title Inflammation, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and the Biologics.
Animation 2: Vascular #1 : The vascular response is shown.
Animation 3: Vascular #2 :Leucocytes leave the blood vessel
.Animation 4: Vascular #3
:Leucocytes migrate into the site of infection.

Animation 1: The Title Movie : Title Inflammation, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and the Biologics
.Animation 2: Vascular #1 : The vascular response is shown
Animation 3: Vascular #2 :Leucocytes leave the blood vessel.
.Animation 4: Vascular #1 :Leucocytes migrate into the site of infection.

Title Inflammation, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and the Biologics.

The inflammatory vascular response is demonstrated.

:Leucocytes leave the blood vessel.

Flash Movie 1998 animation of egress of polys from a blood vessel (extravasation).

Slide 4: "And the Biologics Title" 274 x 205 pixels 9kb Drawn freehand in 3dStudio Max.
QuickTime Media Player
Click Picture or here for larger slides (800 x 600 ) 89kb and (1024 x 768) 139kb

Animation 1: The Title Movie
: Title Inflammation, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and the Biologics
Animation 2: Vascular #1 : The vascular response is shown
Animation 3: Vascu
lar #2 :Leucocytes leave the blood vessel.
Animation 4: Vascular #1 :Leucocytes migrate into the site of infection..

     Inflammation will be discussed in the context of its purpose in normal human physiology. The important cell types, mediators, and other molecules such as antibodies, complement, and cytokines, which play a role in inflammation, will be briefly reviewed and animated.
     Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) will then be addressed with a focus on the synovium as the primary site of disease involvement. This information will be used to review some of the most exciting new treatments for RA now currently in clinical trials, i.e. THE BIOLOGICS.
     Inflammation is the body’s response to injury. The vascular response, which will be animated, allows for the delivery of mediators and cells to the site of injury or infection.
     In the presence of the appropriate inflammatory mediators, blood vessels dialate, and the endothelial cells of the vessel spread apart. Also adhesion molecules form on both white cells and the inner surface of the endothelial cells. As a result of the vascular response, the vessel contents become more concentrated, and the blood flow slows. These changes facilitate the egress of white cells to the site of injury. (Animation 2 -4).

E-Topics: Rheumatoid Arthritis
Biologic Response Modifiers
RA: Misc. Topics
       "adalimumab (humira) "
       "brm's: mode of action"
       "etanercept (enbrel)"
       "infliximab (remicade)"
       "rituximab (rituxan)"

   "arthritis and joint pattern"
   "autoimmunity vs not autoimmunity"
   "b cells and rheumatoid arthritis"
   "inflammatory vs noninflammatory"
   "infectious vs not infectious"
   "ra pathophysiology"


     "adhesion molecules "
     "Immunology Overview "
     "innate immunity"
     "quiz on immunology"
     "signal transduction "
Flash E-books: Rheumatoid Arthritis

"New Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis "
A review of the pertinent immunology and then a description of the new treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis-under construction. Intended for M.D.'s, medical students, or other interested parties.

"PROSORBA© Column Treatments: possible Modes of Action"
2004 lecture presenting possible modes of action for the Staph A Protein (PROSORBA) column in the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Not narrated. I am a consultant for Fresenius.

"Apheresis and the Staph A Protein (PROSORBA©) Column: a Unique new Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis "
This is material from a 2002 DVD transferred to an E-book. Review of clinical studies and possible mode of action. I am a consultant for Fresenius.

Slide 5: "Adhesion Molecules " 320 x 240 pixels 12kb Drawn freehand in CorelDraw
Click Picture or here for larger slides (800 x 600 ) 59kb and (1024 x 768) 89kb
Copy of Vessel.jpg (14668 bytes)   Copy of inflammation FirstLabeled.jpg (16321 bytes)   Copy of inflammation LastframeLabeled.jpg (11329 bytes)
Slide 6: "Adhesion Molecules and vessel " 320 x 240 pixels 12kb Drawn freehand in 3dStudio Max.
Slide 7: "Adhesion Molecules and vessel " 320 x 240 pixels 16kb Drawn freehand in 3dStudio Max.
Slide 8 : "Polys extravasate from the vessel " 320 x 240 pixels 12kb Drawn freehand in 3dStudio Max.
Click Picture or here for larger slides (800 x 600 ) 95kb and (1024 x 768) 145kb Click Picture or here for larger slides (800 x 600 ) 101kb and (1024 x 768) 145kb Click Picture or here for larger slides (800 x 600 ) 71kb and (1024 x 768) 107kb
About Us | Contact Us | ©2005   This web site has been developed and maintained by Craig W. Wiesenhutter, M.D.   Last updated 3/19/05